All code (hand-tooled with a text editor), original design and custom
graphics by David D. Scribner, Niche Development - http://www.nichedev.com/
100% developed with 100% free, open-source software. Special thanks go to
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Vim, gEdit, the GIMP, PHP, MySQL, Apache and Mozilla!
Last revised: 08-03-04, --dds
All code (hand-tooled with a text editor), original design and custom
graphics by David D. Scribner, Niche Development - http://www.nichedev.com/
100% developed with 100% free, open-source software. Special thanks go to
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Vim, gEdit, the GIMP, PHP, MySQL, Apache and Mozilla!
Last revised: 09-04-04, --dds
Welcome to Tuxist.org!
Tuxist.org is dedicated to giving back to the GNU/Linux community. Eventually this site will be a repository of information, articles, and references that I and others have put together relating to Linux, GNU tools and utilities, open-source projects, networking, security, PC hardware and other technical topics. This site is being developed as a small token of appreciation for the contributions many thousands of others have made to the GNU/Linux system, from which I've benefited greatly since Tux first made its way onto one of my PC's in 1999.
A news-blog about important advancements in the business market where Linux is making strong inroads will be integrated along the way. Another possibility may be the addition of BBS forums (like there's not a ton of those out there already), if suitable. However, the main focus of Tuxist.org will always be to provide solutions and knowledge in using and integrating GNU/Linux systems in your everyday computing space, help broaden its acceptance in the industry, dispel myths and disperse the truths about GNU/Linux and the many advantages it brings.
What is a tuxist? Anyone that works with Linux and has realized the strength, security and reliability that this operating system has over very many other, even more popular, operating systems. The Linux mascot is a penguin by the name of "Tux", so a tuxist would be one who works with Linux and spends considerable effort in discovering the power and magic within it, and the many GNU and open-source applications, tools and utilities that comprise most every GNU/Linux distribution. In short, a tuxist is one who works with Tux!
All code (hand-tooled with a text editor), original design and custom
graphics by David D. Scribner, Niche Development - http://www.nichedev.com/
100% developed with 100% free, open-source software. Special thanks go to
GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, Vim, gEdit, the GIMP, PHP, MySQL, Apache and Nginx!
Last revised: 04-17-19, --dds
Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. Information on GNU (GNU's Not UNIX), and the Free Software Foundation here. Tuxist.org and logo Copyright © 2004 Niche Development. All rights reserved. Other copyrights belong to their respective owners.